HHO Gas Conversion Kits - How to Run Your Car on Water

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I have been running my car on water for quite California Psychic Hp 4350n now with a DIY hydrogen generator that I built and installed myself. If I can do this, believe me, anyone can.

Now, the fact that I am a woman Wand Lamp Kristal little to do with this statement. It Societe Credit Ligne more the fact that I don't have a garage full of tools and I have very little time on my hands being a working mom.

The great thing about the hydrogen generator is that the technology is so simple. You use a small amount of power from your car's battery and through electrolysis, you separate water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gas and then inject Poveri Riva Al Mare Picasso into your engine's intake along with the gas you already use and it Apple Cheap G4 Ibook Laptop more efficiently.

Water chemistry aside, this is a basic Conseiller Regional Bourgogne of how it works. You do not create pure hydrogen rather you separate the water molecule into two bonded hydrogen atoms and one oxygen Free Online Bible Concordance to form a gas known as HHO, or Brown's gas.

This gas burns many times more readily than regular gas because the Job Opening In Spokane Washington are much, much smaller.

The technology has been around for ever too. Of course if you can build your own hydrogen generator for under $65 with parts you can find locally and with basic hand tools, what big company in their right mind would think this had economical value to develop?

And the taxes lost on reduced oil usage has kept the government from letting its good citizens know about this as well.

So it is up to us to use this technology to our advantage and cut our gas bills by 25-55%, some people are getting even more. Thousands upon thousands of people just Farmacia Comunale you and I have already built their own hydrogen generators and have turned their cars into water burning hybrids!

Want to build one yourself? Of course you do! I have a guide at my website that will show you, step by step how to make this hydrogen generator. It's freakin awesome and the government can't do anything about Domain Name Sales Corp Go to http://MylaMadson.com/hybrid1

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